• How to Fight Against the Effects of Nicotine on Teeth and Gums?

    Dental hygiene for smokers is a critical aspect of overall health care, especially due to the damaging effects of nicotine on teeth and gums. Today we will delve into the impact of nicotine on oral health, methods you can employ to combat these effects, specific dental hygiene services for smokers, and recommended home care habits.

    Effects of Nicotine on Teeth in St. Charles, MO

    Smoking is a well-known risk factor for various systemic diseases, but its impact on oral health is often overlooked. Nicotine, a key component in tobacco products, significantly affects the mouth, teeth, and gums. Understanding these effects and how to mitigate them can help you maintain your oral health.

     The Impact of Nicotine on Oral Health

     Nicotine adversely affects oral health in several ways, including:

    1. Discoloration and Staining: Nicotine and tar in tobacco can cause significant staining of the teeth, leading to a yellowed or brown appearance.
    2. Gum Disease: Smokers are more prone to gum disease. Nicotine contributes to reduced blood flow to the gums, impairing their ability to fight infection and heal.
    3. Oral Cancer Risk: The use of tobacco products increases the risk of oral cancers significantly.
    4. Bad Breath: Smoking contributes to chronic bad breath due to the lingering odor of tobacco and its impact on oral bacteria.
    5. Tooth Decay and Loss: Nicotine affects saliva production, leading to a dry mouth, which increases the risk of tooth decay and tooth loss.

     Combatting the Effects of Nicotine

     Smoking can take its toll on your oral health but you can still take actions to counteract the effects of regular smoking. Donahue Dental recommends the following advice:

    1. Schedule Regular Dental Visits: Routine check-ups and professional cleanings are crucial.
    2. Consider Specialized Treatments: Dentists might recommend specific treatments like fluoride applications or antimicrobial agents to combat tooth decay and gum disease.
    3. Get Oral Cancer Screening: Regular screenings for oral cancer are vital for early detection and treatment.

     Dental Hygiene Services for Smokers

     Donahue Dental provides tailored services for smokers to help make sure your teeth and mouth stay healthy. Contact our office to schedule any of the following procedures:

    1. Deep Cleaning: To remove tartar and plaque build-up, especially below the gum line.
    2. Whitening Treatments: Professional whitening to address staining caused by nicotine.
    3. Periodontal Care: Focused treatments for gum health, including scaling and root planing.
    4. Restorative Services: Addressing tooth decay or loss with fillings, crowns, or implants.

     Home Care Habits for Smokers

     When you are in between dentist office visits, there are things you can do at home to help stay on the right track with your oral health. Some of these steps include:

    1. Enhanced Oral Hygiene Routine: Brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash can significantly reduce the risk of oral health issues.
    2. Hydration: Drinking plenty of water helps mitigate dry mouth caused by smoking.
    3. Dietary Changes: Reducing sugar intake and eating a balanced diet aids in maintaining strong teeth and healthy gums.
    4. Smoking Cessation Aids: Using nicotine patches or gum can help reduce the urge to smoke, thereby decreasing the exposure of teeth and gums to harmful substances found in tobacco tar.
    5. Regular Tongue Cleaning: Cleaning the tongue regularly can help in reducing bad breath and remove harmful bacteria.
    6. Using a Smoker’s Toothpaste: There are toothpaste specifically formulated for smokers that help in removing tobacco stains and reducing tartar build-up.

    While smoking poses significant risks to oral health, these effects can be managed and mitigated with the right combination of professional dental care and diligent home hygiene practices. Regular visits to the dentist for specialized services tailored for smokers, combined with a robust home care routine, can go a long way in preserving oral health. Smokers should be aware of the heightened risks they face and take proactive steps to combat the effects of nicotine. Ultimately, the best course of action for oral and overall health is to quit smoking, but until then, effective dental hygiene practices are essential in fighting against the detrimental effects of nicotine on teeth and gums.

    By understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by smokers in terms of oral hygiene, it’s still possible to maintain a healthy smile and reduce the risk of serious dental issues. This comprehensive approach to dental care is vital for smokers to ensure their oral health remains a top priority amidst the challenges posed by nicotine and tobacco use.

    Donahue Dental offers dental and specialized prosthodontic services In St. Charles, MO. Call us to begin your journey toward a healthy and happy smile! From regular cleaning to complete dental restoration, Donahue Dental has all services you need. At Donahue Dental, we believe in education and preventative dental care. Using the latest technology, our experienced and friendly team provides comprehensive dental services tailored to your needs. We proudly offer a comfortable environment where our patients feel at ease, knowing their smiles are our top priority. For answers to any remaining questions about dental hygiene or to schedule an appointment in St. Charles or St. Peters, MO, please call us at (636) 487-5652.

  • The Importance of Dental Exams and X-rays in Maintaining Oral Hygiene

    Maintaining good oral hygiene is a key aspect of overall health and well-being. Among the various practices to ensure oral health, professional dental exams and dental X-ray services stand out as significant. These procedures not only help in identifying dental issues at an early stage but also play a vital role in preventing potential oral health problems.

    Dental X-Rays in St. Charles, MO

    What are Dental X-Rays and Dental Exams?

    Dental X-rays are diagnostic tools that provide detailed images of the teeth and the bone structure of the jaw. They help dentists to see what is happening beneath the surface of your gums, including the roots of your teeth and your jawbones. This type of imaging is essential for detecting hidden dental structures, malignant or benign masses, bone loss, and cavities.

    Dental exams, on the other hand, are comprehensive evaluations of your dental health. They typically involve a visual inspection of the mouth, teeth, and gums, as well as a review of dental and medical history. During a dental exam, the dentist may also check for signs of oral cancer, gum disease, and other oral health issues.

    Importance of Professional Dental Exams and Dental X-Rays

    The importance of these services cannot be overstated. Dental exams help in early detection of problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues. Early detection is essential for effective treatment and can prevent minor issues from becoming major health concerns.

    Dental X-rays provide an inside look at your oral health. They are instrumental in diagnosing problems that are not visible to the naked eye, such as impacted teeth, abscesses, cysts, tumors, and bone irregularities. These X-rays are also used to plan dental treatments like braces, dentures, and dental implants, ensuring these treatments are carried out with precision.

    What Happens During a Professional Dental Exam?

    During a professional dental exam, the dentist will thoroughly inspect your teeth, gums, and mouth. They will look for signs of decay, check for gum health, and assess your overall oral hygiene. The dentist may also use a variety of tools to probe and inspect your teeth and gums to identify any potential issues.

    In addition to the physical examination, the dentist may discuss your diet, oral hygiene habits, and any concerns you have regarding your oral health. This conversation is an essential part of the exam, as it helps the dentist tailor their advice and treatment to your specific needs.

    Addressing Concerns about Dental X-Rays

    While some people may have concerns about the radiation exposure from dental X-rays, it’s important to note that modern dental X-ray technology is extremely safe. The amount of radiation exposure from a dental X-ray is minimal, especially when compared to other types of medical imaging. Dental professionals also take various precautions, such as using lead aprons, to further minimize the exposure.

    Benefits of Regular Dental Exams

    Regular dental exams are beneficial in many ways. They help in maintaining good oral hygiene, preventing the development of gum disease, and reducing the likelihood of severe dental problems in the future. Regular exams also provide an opportunity for the dentist to offer tips on maintaining good oral health and to answer any questions you may have.

    Another benefit of regular dental exams is the potential for cost savings in the long run. By catching issues early, you can avoid more expensive and extensive dental work that may be needed to treat advanced problems.


    Professional dental exams and dental X-ray services are essential components of maintaining good oral hygiene. They help in the early detection and treatment of oral health issues, provide valuable insights into your overall oral health, and play a crucial role in preventing more serious dental problems. Regular dental exams and X-rays should be a routine part of everyone’s health care regimen to ensure long-term oral health and well-being.

    Donahue Dental offers dental and specialized prosthodontic services In St. Charles, MO. Call us to begin your journey toward a healthy and happy smile! From regular cleaning to complete dental restoration, Donahue Dental has all services you need. At Donahue Dental, we believe in education and preventative dental care. Using the latest technology, our experienced and friendly team provides comprehensive dental services tailored to your needs. We proudly offer a comfortable environment where our patients feel at ease, knowing their smiles are our top priority. For answers to any remaining questions about dental hygiene or to schedule an appointment in St. Charles or St. Peters, MO, please call us at (636) 487-5652.

  • Dental Hygiene Services for People with Braces: Special Considerations and Tips

    Good oral hygiene (brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day) is a must to keep both your mouth and your body healthy. When you have braces, the added brackets and wires add hiding places for plaque so you can’t only have good hygiene, you have to have great hygiene. Plaque is sticky because it is made up of food, saliva, and bacteria, so you need to brush after every meal. At night, you need to floss, rinse your mouth thoroughly, and then brush your teeth and braces until the metal shines.

    Dental Braces Hygiene by Donahue Dental

    Hygiene Issues Associated with Braces

    If you don’t make good oral hygiene a priority when you have your braces, there are hygiene issues that can arise. Some of these issues are:

    • Gingivitis: When plaque builds up around the gum line your gums might bleed, be swollen, and/ or puffy. These are all signs of gingivitis (gum disease) and it is the first stage of periodontal disease.
    • Periodontitis: The next stage in periodontal disease is when the infection and inflammation in your gums spread to the ligaments and bones that support your teeth. This causes your gums to start to pull away allowing for plaque to continue to build up in the gaps and pockets that are formed when your gums pull away from the bone.
    • Decalcification: These are permanent stains that form around your braces from decalcification. The only way to prevent these permanent stains is to brush routinely.

    Good Hygiene with Braces

    Now that you know what will happen if you don’t practice good hygiene, you might be more likely to follow these steps for good hygiene with your braces:

    • Rinsing: This is more than taking a quick swig of water to get the extra toothpaste out of your mouth. When you have braces, brushing will be easier if you rinse your mouth first because it will loosen the food that is trapped in between your braces. Rinsing also protects the enamel of your teeth and fights off gingivitis.
    • Brushing: You will still want to brush your teeth with a soft bristle or power toothbrush for two minutes every time you brush, but now you will want to brush every time after you eat. Brush all parts of your teeth, your tongue, the roof of your mouth, and add all parts of your braces. Remember to replace your toothbrush every three months or sooner if the bristles wear down because of repeated contact with your braces.
    • Brushing Your Brackets and Braces: To brush your actual braces, an end-rounded bristle toothbrush works best to brush the brackets and wires. Brush them until they are shiny.
    • Flossing: When you floss, continue to floss in all the areas that you would normally floss, but getting to these areas may be more difficult. Wax floss also makes flossing easier because it slides easier between your teeth and through your braces so there is less chance of it becoming hung up on the braces. People have found that using an orthodontic flosser or floss threader has helped them to get under the wires to below the gum line when they are flossing with braces.
    • Rinse Again: When you have finished flossing, rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash to reduce biofilm and inflammation that can lead to gingivitis. There is an added plus of your mouth feeling and smelling fresh.
    • Other Tools: There are also interdental brushes that are made to get in between the wires and brackets of your braces as well. Your orthodontist and/or dentist may also suggest using a fluoride rinse and an interdental cleaner as part of your oral hygiene routine.

    Watch What You Eat

    As you’ve seen, it is harder to keep your teeth clean while you have your braces. One way to make the cleaning process easier is to be careful of what you eat so as not to damage your gums and/or tooth enamel. Here are some foods to stay away from while you have your braces:

    • Foods that are high in starch and sugar will lead to plaque buildup causing cavities, stains on your teeth, and/or gum disease,
    • Highly acidic foods will erode the enamel on your teeth,
    • Foods that are hard and crunchy can cause damage to the wires and brackets themselves,
    • Sticky foods can pull metal brackets out of place.

    Staying away from, or at least greatly limiting these foods will help you practice good hygiene while you have braces.

    Additional Tips for Braces

    There are several other activities that can help with keeping good oral hygiene while having your braces:

    • Don’t chew on your fingernails, plastic straws, or pens because they can bend the wires on your braces.
    • Cut your food with a fork and knife before biting into it.
    • Wear a mouth guard that is designed for athletes with braces.
    • Place dental wax on your braces where they rub against your mouth to prevent sores until you can get an appointment to see your orthodontist.

    Practicing good oral hygiene requires only a few extra steps while wearing your braces. These additional steps will be worth the effort when you get your braces taken off and your teeth are healthy. If you live in the St. Charles area and have any questions, please contact us online or call us at 636.487.5652

  • The Benefits of Professional Dental Cleanings and How Often You Should Schedule Them

    You brush twice a day. You’ve cut back on the sugary drinks and sticky candy. You even floss after you brush your teeth. Why do I need a professional to clean my teeth when I take care of them myself? We here at Donahue Dental want to share seven reasons why you should have a professional dental cleaning that we have learned about over our 33 years of serving people with their dental needs.

    Professional Dental Cleaning Services in St. Charles, MO

    How Often Should You Undergo Professional Dental Cleaning

    A professional dental cleaning consists of removing any dental plaque by scaling and planing your teeth. This is an essential process to your overall dental hygiene that should be done twice a year, or every six months. During your dental cleaning, it may be advised that you visit more regularly to have a professional clean your teeth until they are restored to health.

    Benefits of Professional Dental Cleaning

    If you are still wondering if you need a professional to clean your teeth when you do a perfectly fine job, here are seven reasons why you should have a professional clean your teeth:

    Removal of Tartar and Plaque

    The best home dental hygiene can’t remove all of the tartar and plaque from your teeth and gum line. A professional dental cleaning will remove tartar and plaque from above and below the gum line. They will also be able to remove all the bacteria and deposits that have settled in the gum pockets to prevent serious periodontal problems. The removal of tartar, plaque, and bacteria will help to prevent more serious dental conditions.

    It brightens your smile

    Your teeth become stained over time by the different food and drink that you consume. Even if you are careful not to consume food and drinks that will stain your teeth, they become discolored and need to be cleaned to remove these built-up stains. As part of the dental cleansing process, the dental professional will perfectly polish your teeth to provide you with your brightest smile yet. They may also recommend a prophylaxis treatment that can rid your teeth of these stains that have discolored your teeth.

    Bad Breath is Reduced

    Bad breath is more than “morning breath” or what your breath smells like after you have eaten something pungent. Bad breath is a medical condition called halitosis. One of the reasons your breath has an unpleasant odor is because of the bacteria, rotting food particles possibly below the gum line, and potentially gangrene that is a result of a gum infection. The frontline defense against bad breath is daily brushing and flossing, but a professional dental cleaning treats your entire mouth beyond what daily brushing brings which will leave your mouth healthier, fresher, and reduce infection in your mouth.

    Cavities are Prevented

    One of the reasons for tooth decay is plaque buildup on your teeth. Plaque eats away at the enamel of your teeth leaving them susceptible to cavities. Professional dental cleaning removes the plaque buildup on your teeth to keep the plaque from eating away the enamel of your teeth. A professional dental cleaning, added to your daily brushing and flossing, prevents cavities.

    Tooth Loss is Prevented

    Plaque not only eats away the enamel of your teeth, the plaque buildup also loosens your tooth and gum lines. As your tooth and gum line loosen your mouth becomes more susceptible to gum disease which is a leading cause of tooth loss. When a dental professional removes the plaque from your teeth, your tooth and gum line stay healthy and firm, preventing gum disease and tooth loss.

    Early Detection of Dental Problems

    Oral pain is usually intense and interrupts daily life. During your professional dental cleaning, the professional cleaning of your teeth will also check your teeth for tooth decay, cavities, fractured teeth, and lost or broken fillings. By discovering these problems early on, the hope is to fix the problems so they don’t become more serious, painful, and expensive over time.

    More than Your Oral Health is Boosted

    Your oral health is related to your overall health and there is a direct correlation between poor oral health and a diagnosis of diabetes and heart disease. During your professional dental cleaning, your dentist may also be able to diagnose other medical conditions during your exam.

    If you live in, or around, St. Charles and need a dentist or have questions about your oral health, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Donahue Dental. You can find us online or call us at 636.487.5652.

  • 10 Common Misconceptions About Dental Hygiene: Separating Fact from Fiction

    Importance of Good Oral Health

    Good oral health is the cornerstone of a radiant smile and overall well-being. Yet, dental hygiene myths and misconceptions about dentistry persist, leading people to make poor decisions when caring for their teeth and gums. If you have questions about dental hygiene, debunk these 10 prevalent myths and bring clarity to your oral care routine.
    Oral Health Care at Donahue Dental

    Common Myths About Oral Health

    Myth 1: Bleeding Gums Are Normal

    Bleeding gums are a sign of gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease. If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, bring this up at your next dentist appointment. But whatever you do, don’t stop brushing in an attempt to allow your gums to heal. After all, bleeding gums may indicate that your brushing regimen needs more consistency and attention, not less. Gum health is essential, so it’s important to straighten out these dental hygiene facts and myths.

    Myth 2: Sensitive Teeth Are a Sign of Cavities

    While cavities can indeed cause sensitivity, they are not the sole cause. Tooth sensitivity can also result from worn enamel, a cracked tooth, gum disease, or exposed roots. For an accurate diagnosis, consult your dentist if you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity. Something as simple as switching to toothpaste for sensitive teeth could be all you need to relieve your discomfort.

    Myth 3: More Sugar Results in More Cavities

    Sugar undoubtedly plays a role in tooth decay, but the crucial factor is the duration that sugar remains on your teeth, not the amount you eat. Snacking on candy or sipping on juice throughout the day is like giving your teeth a prolonged sugar bath, contributing to cavity formation. After giving into your sweet tooth, rinse your mouth with water. Daily brushing and flossing also mitigate the risk of cavities.

    Myth 4: Bleaching Weakens Teeth

    Many patients voice concerns that teeth bleaching can weaken teeth. You’ll be pleased to learn that this is a myth. Professional teeth whitening is completely safe and doesn’t affect the health or structure of your teeth. Just remember to follow your dentist’s instructions to ensure optimal results and lessen temporary sensitivity that may occur after whitening.

    Myth 5: Applying Aspirin Directly to Teeth Is an Effective Toothache Remedy

    Although aspirin can provide temporary relief, applying it directly to your teeth or gums is not recommended. This can lead to an aspirin burn, damaging your gums and other soft tissues in your mouth. Instead, swallow aspirin pills for pain relief the intended way. You can also ask your dentist to recommend a topical pain reliever.

    Myth 6: Cavities in Baby Teeth Don’t Matter

    The idea behind this dentistry myth is that baby teeth fall out, so it doesn’t matter if they get cavities. In reality, untreated cavities in baby teeth can cause severe discomfort and infection and may even affect the development of adult teeth. This means maintaining your child’s dental hygiene is as important as caring for your own.

    Myth 7: Your Oral Health Doesn’t Affect Your General Health

    Many people separate oral health from general health, but they are interconnected. Poor oral health can contribute to endocarditis and cardiovascular disease, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Similarly, certain conditions like diabetes and HIV/AIDS can negatively impact oral health. This is why regular dental check-ups are vital for maintaining your oral and overall health.

    Myth 8: Everyone Can Safely Use Metal Fillings

    Also known as amalgam fillings, metal fillings have been used safely for years. However, some people are allergic to the metals used in these fillings. In such cases, other filling materials, such as composite resin or ceramic, may be more suitable. Plus, these tooth-colored fillings are more aesthetically pleasing. Consult your dentist to find the most appropriate filling material for your needs.

    Myth 9: Frequent Brushing Causes Teeth to Wear Down

    While brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can damage tooth enamel over time, normal brushing habits involving a soft-bristled brush and proper technique will not wear down your teeth. In fact, regular brushing is crucial for preventing plaque buildup and tooth decay.

    Myth 10: Flossing Is Not Necessary if You Brush Regularly

    While brushing cleans the surface of your teeth effectively, it cannot fully reach the spaces in between and along the gum line. That’s where flossing comes in. Even if you’re great about brushing twice a day, flossing should be a part of your daily oral hygiene routine to remove hard-to-reach food particles and plaque.

    We’re Here to Help

    At Donahue Dental, we believe in education and preventative dental care. Using the latest technology, our experienced and friendly team provides comprehensive dental services tailored to your needs. We proudly offer a comfortable environment where our patients feel at ease, knowing their smiles are our top priority. For answers to any remaining questions about dental hygiene or to schedule an appointment in St. Charles or St. Peters, MO, please call us at (636) 946-6117.

  • The Role of Diet in Maintaining Good Dental Hygiene

    Importance of Diet for Good Dental Hygiene

    When considering how to maintain good dental hygiene, you might picture brushing twice a day and flossing regularly. But what you eat, and drink also affects your oral health, possibly as much as your daily dental care habits. You can effectively enhance your smile by being more selective about your food choices and eating habits. Here are some pivotal diet-related ways to promote good oral health.
    Dental Hygiene Diet by Donahue Dental

    Maintain a Well-Balanced Diet

    While nothing you eat can replace the need for regular brushing and flossing, your diet plays a crucial role in maintaining dental health. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products provides essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and D, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and phosphorus. Plus, crunchy fruits and vegetables, like apples and carrots, act as natural tooth scrubbers, cleaning your teeth as you eat them.

    Drink More Water

    Staying well-hydrated is beneficial for your entire body, including your mouth. Water washes away food particles, keeps your mouth moist, and, in the case of fluoridated tap water, helps prevent tooth decay. Keep a water bottle with you and drink from it throughout the day.

    Avoid Sugar and Starch

    Your mouth is home to several hundred different kinds of bacteria, some of which are beneficial to your oral health. Others, however, can cause cavities and other dental problems. When you consume foods high in sugar and starch, unfriendly bacteria feast on the remnants, producing acids that erode tooth enamel. The key is to be mindful of added sugar and avoid starchy foods like bread and crackers that can get stuck in your teeth.

    Steer Clear of Sticky Foods

    Not only does the amount of sugar in your food matter, but also how long and how often your teeth are exposed to it. Foods that cling to your teeth, like gummy candy and dried fruit, provide a constant sugar supply for harmful bacteria, increasing the risk of tooth decay.

    Shun Staining Foods and Drinks

    Certain foods and beverages are notorious for discoloring teeth. These include coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored fruits and vegetables like blueberries and beets. While you don’t need to avoid these foods completely, moderation and good oral hygiene help maintain the natural whiteness of your smile.

    Minimize Snacking

    Munching on food between meals might seem harmless, but it threatens your oral health. When you snack, your saliva doesn’t get a chance to neutralize the acidity in your mouth, which increases the time your teeth are exposed to harmful acids. Limiting snacking and focusing more on regular, wholesome meals allows your saliva to do its job.

    Wait 30 Minutes After Eating to Brush

    You might think that brushing immediately after eating is the best way to maintain clean teeth. However, brushing too soon can cause more harm than good because the bristles rub acids deeper into your enamel and dentin (the layer underneath the enamel). This is why it’s best to wait about 30 minutes after eating before you brush to give your saliva enough time to neutralize the acids and begin the remineralization process.

    Rinse Your Mouth or Chew Sugarless Gum After Meals

    If you can’t brush your teeth after a meal, rinsing with water and chewing sugarless gum are good alternatives. Rinsing removes large food particles, while chewing gum stimulates saliva production to neutralize and wash away acids. Just make sure the gum is sugar-free to avoid feeding the bacteria in your mouth!

    Curb Your Sweet Tooth with Xylitol

    Xylitol is a natural sugar alcohol used as a sugar substitute in gum, mints, and candy. Unlike traditional sugars, xylitol doesn’t contribute to tooth decay. In fact, it improves oral health by reducing the amount of cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth. Chewing xylitol gum also promotes saliva production, which is vital for remineralization. Xylitol is most beneficial when used in conjunction with a healthy diet, good oral hygiene habits, and regular dentist visits.

    Skip the Alcohol

    While a cocktail or glass of wine now and then might seem like no big deal, drinking alcohol can decrease saliva production, causing dry mouth. Chronic dry mouth raises your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems. Opting for non-alcoholic beverages is important to maintain a healthy, hydrated mouth.

    Avoid Tobacco

    Smoking or chewing tobacco negatively impacts your health in countless ways. Regarding your teeth and gums, tobacco can cause bad breath, staining, gum disease, oral cancer, and tooth loss. If you use tobacco, consider seeking help to quit.

    Visit Donahue Dental

    A healthy diet is essential for good oral health, but regular dental check-ups and teeth cleanings are equally important. At Donahue Dental, we understand the importance of comprehensive, personalized oral care. We combine our years of experience and cutting-edge technology to provide exceptional dental services in St. Charles and St. Peters, MO. For a dental experience that will leave you smiling, please call (636) 946-6117 and request an appointment today!

  • The Consequences of Neglecting Dental Hygiene and How to Avoid Them

    Importance of Dental Hygiene

    Good dental hygiene is the key to a captivating smile, strong teeth, and fresh breath. This involves caring for your teeth and gums through daily at-home care and routine dentist visits. If you want a bright, radiant smile and a healthy mouth, learn about the consequences of neglecting dental hygiene and how to avoid them.
    Dental Hygiene Habits by Donahue Dental

    What Are the Signs of Dental Neglect?

    When dental hygiene falls by the wayside, the consequences can be surprisingly widespread, impacting your mouth and body in various ways. Here are some common examples of how dental hygiene negligence affects your health:

    • Bad breath: While occasional bad breath may occur after eating certain foods, chronic bad breath, or halitosis, is an early sign of poor oral hygiene. Failing to remove trapped food particles from your mouth leads to unchecked bacteria growth, resulting in a foul odor that mints and mouth sprays can’t mask.
    • Cavities: Tooth decay occurs when your teeth are exposed to acid from bacteria feeding on dietary sugars in your mouth. This acid erodes the tooth enamel, creating small holes or cavities. Failing to seek dental treatment promptly may lead to further tooth damage, unsightly discoloration, and toothaches.
    • Receding gums and gum disease: Poor dental hygiene often leads to plaque buildup, causing gum inflammation or gingivitis. If ignored, the gums may begin to pull away from the teeth, creating pockets that harbor more bacteria, leading to full-fledged gum disease.
    • Tooth loss: When cavities and gum disease go untreated, these problems can progress until they infect your teeth, jaw bone, and connective tissue. A root canal or other treatment may reverse the infection, but if the tooth is loose or severely infected, it may fall out or require extraction by a dentist.
    • Diabetes: The relationship between poor oral health and diabetes goes both ways. Gum disease can make it harder to control blood sugar levels, leading to worsened diabetes. Conversely, diabetes increases the risk of developing gum disease due to decreased immunity.
    • Kidney disease: The inflammation from chronic gum disease weakens the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections. This puts you at risk for kidney disease and other related conditions.
    • Heart disease: Many studies have found correlations between gum disease and heart disease. Although the exact reason isn’t clearly understood, research suggests that harmful bacteria from your mouth enter your bloodstream and attach to the fatty plaques in your heart’s blood vessels, leading to inflammation and raising the risk of clots that can trigger a heart attack.

    Best Habits for Proper Dental Care

    Learning the effects of poor dental hygiene may be disconcerting, but the good news is that you can keep these risks at bay with proper dental care. Here’s what a good oral hygiene routine entails:

    • Brush twice a day: Brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste removes food particles and plaque from your teeth, preventing decay. Make sure you brush for a full two minutes at least twice a day.
    • Floss daily: Flossing is easy to neglect, but it’s crucial for removing plaque and food particles from areas where your toothbrush can’t reach, like between the teeth and below the gum line. Floss at least once a day to help prevent gum disease and cavities.
    • Rinse with mouthwash: Mouthwash isn’t a substitute for brushing and flossing, but it can complement your routine. A good fluoride mouthwash freshens your breath and removes the biofilm—a thin layer of bacteria—from your teeth, gums, tongue, and cheeks.
    • Use the right equipment: Most dentists recommend using a toothbrush with soft bristles to prevent gum damage and enamel erosion. Replace it every three to four months—sooner if the bristles become frayed. You may also want to upgrade to an electric toothbrush for superior brushing capabilities. Then, choose toothpaste and mouthwash that contain fluoride, a mineral that prevents cavities by strengthening the enamel.
    • Chew sugarless gum after meals: While brushing after eating is ideal, it isn’t always practical. Chewing sugarless gum is the next best thing, increasing saliva flow to naturally wash away food particles and neutralize harmful acids.
    • Drink plenty of water: With no added sugars or colors, water is the best way to keep your mouth moist, wash away food particles, and neutralize acids produced by oral bacteria.
    • Visit the dentist regularly: Routine dental check-ups and teeth cleanings help you identify oral health issues when they’re most treatable. The recommended guideline is to visit the dentist twice a year—more frequently if you have a higher risk of oral diseases.

    Safeguarding your dental hygiene demonstrates a commitment to your overall well-being. At Donahue Dental, we share this commitment, offering personalized, comprehensive dental care to address each patient’s unique needs. With our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced dental professionals on staff, you can expect the very best care from us. Call our office today at (636) 946-6117 to request a dentist appointment in St. Charles or St. Peters, MO.

  • The Importance of Daily Brushing and Flossing for Oral Health

    Daily Brushing and Flossing

    You’ve probably heard this old refrain your entire life: brush twice a day, floss regularly, and visit the dentist every six months. It’s routine advice, but do you understand why these habits are so vital to your well-being? After all, the importance of daily brushing and flossing extends far beyond simply making your teeth sparkle. Learn more about brushing and flossing to remind you why they should be a part of your daily life.
    Brushing and Flossing Tips by Donahue Dental

    Why Brushing Your Teeth Is So Important?

    Brushing is the simplest, most effective dental care practice. When you brush, you remove plaque and bacteria and help brighten your smile. Many people wonder if brushing once a day is enough, but you should really brush at least twice daily, preferably in the morning and before bed. It’s also important to replace your toothbrush every three to four months, after being sick, or when the bristles become frayed.

    Here’s a closer look at the importance of brushing your teeth:

    • Prevent tooth decay and cavities: When you eat, a sticky film known as plaque forms on your teeth, leading to tooth decay and cavities if not removed promptly. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste eliminates plaque and significantly lowers the risk of cavities.
    • Prevent gum disease: Tartar, a hardened form of plaque, leads to gum disease if not addressed. Regular brushing stops tartar from gaining a foothold, keeping your gums healthy.
    • Avoid mouth infections: Brushing minimizes harmful bacteria, preventing mouth sores, tooth abscesses, and other painful infections.
    • Freshen your breath: Food particles and bacteria are the primary culprits behind bad breath. Brushing removes these offenders, the first step toward having fresh, inviting breath.
    • Reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke: Strong connections exist between your oral health and cardiovascular health. They may seem unrelated, but gum disease can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, making regular brushing an important preventative measure for maintaining overall health.
    • Remove stains: Brushing your teeth also has aesthetic benefits. It helps remove surface stains caused by coffee, tea, wine, and other stain-inducing foods and drinks, promoting a whiter, brighter smile.

    How to Brush Your Teeth

    The first step is to select the right toothbrush and toothpaste. Dentists typically recommend a soft-bristled brush in a size and shape that fits your mouth comfortably so you can reach all areas easily.

    Here are the basic steps for brushing your teeth:

    1. Squeeze some toothpaste onto the brush, wet it a bit, and place the bristles at a 45-degree angle along the gum line.
    2. Gently move the brush back and forth in short, tooth-wide strokes.
    3. Brush your teeth’s inner, outer, and chewing surfaces.
    4. Brush your tongue to remove bacteria and keep your breath fresh.
    5. After two minutes of brushing, spit out the toothpaste and rinse your mouth with water.

    The Importance of Flossing

    While most people are good about brushing, flossing often falls by the wayside. However, you should floss at least once a day to reach the tight spaces between teeth that your toothbrush misses. This removes food particles that would otherwise lead to bacterial growth and decay.

    Here’s why the importance of flossing can’t be overstated:

    • Prevent chewing difficulties: Food particles lodged between your teeth can lead to discomfort and difficulty chewing. Regular flossing helps eliminate problematic particles, promoting a healthier and more comfortable eating experience.
    • Avoid toothaches: Toothaches often stem from cavities and decay caused by bacterial activity on trapped food particles. Flossing helps prevent toothaches by dislodging these particles before they cause issues.
    • Promote gum health: Flossing removes plaque along the gum line, often more effectively than brushing, reducing inflammation and bleeding associated with gingivitis and gum disease.

    How to Floss Your Teeth

    Choosing the right floss depends on your preferences and the space between your teeth. Waxed, unwaxed, thick, and comfort floss can all be effective.

    Follow this guide on how to floss effectively:

    1. Break off about 18 inches of floss and wind most of it around your middle finger on each hand.
    2. Hold the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers.
    3. Guide the floss between your teeth using a gentle rubbing motion.
    4. Curve the floss into a “C” shape against one tooth and gently slide it into the space between the gum and the tooth.
    5. Hold the floss tightly against the tooth and rub the side of the tooth, moving the floss away from the gum with up and down motions.
    6. Repeat these steps until you floss between every tooth, including behind your rear molars.

    Maintaining oral health is a lifelong commitment that impacts your smile and overall well-being. At Donahue Dental, we understand the importance of oral health and hygiene in daily life. If you’re looking for personalized, comprehensive dental care in St. Charles or St. Peters, MO, please call us at (636) 946-6117 to request an appointment today.